Participant bio – Brent Mansfield

Name: Brent Mansfield

Live: East Vancouver

About myself: Food is a very important part of my life. I love to grow and cook food, and also have the opportunity to through my work in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia and my volunteering with the Vancouver Food Policy Council to participate in the movement towards a more just and sustainable food system.

Why doing the Welfare Food Challenge: I feel there needs to be greater public awareness and political pressure about the gross inadequacy of our social safety net. It is very worrying to me that people on income assistance cannot afford to purchase healthy food. I believe the Government needs to be doing a much better job to ensure all in BC are able to buy enough nutritious food.

My Worries: I have numerous worries. I am worried about feeling hungry all the time and about not having the clarity of mind I need to perform tasks at work. I am worried that my regular exercise will consume too many calories, so will probably limit the number and length of my runs and ride the bus instead of biking to work.